Vintage Perfumes

As the history of perfumes has been around for a long time, perfumes that have been created forty years ago are considered vintage. 

Some vintage perfumes have been sold at a high price due to limited supply. Additionally, some original formulas have changed over time due to regulations. For example, oakmoss has been blacklisted by the IFRA, so it can only be 0.1% of a perfume’s composition now.

This is a photo of an oakmoss.

Animal-derived notes have been under regulation, too. Castoreum comes from castor sacs from beavers, which causes the killing of beavers. Due to this reason, the WWF has banned castoreum in perfumes.

Musk has also been banned. Musk comes from the musk glands of adult male forest musk deer, which also kills them. So instead of extracting or using natural ingredients from these animals, perfumeries create synthetic scents to replace them. 

Although forty years sounds like a long time, check when your favorite perfume was released. Who knows, your perfume might become an iconic vintage perfume soon!


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