Can You Keep Perfume in Your Bathroom?

Every house has a different design. While some houses have small bathrooms, others have big bathrooms where you can take a shower, wash your face, and put on makeup in one area. Under the circumstance that your bathroom is big, would it be okay to keep your perfume in your bathroom?

It’s widely not recommended to keep your perfume in warm or humid areas. In my previous post, you can read the reasons why you shouldn’t keep your perfume in warm places. The steam from showers and baths can increase humidity in your bathrooms, which causes it to feel more hot in the bathroom. The temperature actually rises, too, especially if you shower with hot water. Due to the increase in temperature, it becomes easier for the perfume to evaporate into the air. 

This is a simple example of how sunlight (heat) causes water from the ocean to evaporate into the air.

The best place to store your perfumes would be a cool, dry place that avoids any heat or humidity unlike under the sunlight or your bathroom.


The Chemistry of Your Skin


Sunlight’s Impact on Perfume