Can You Make a Perfume Last Longer?

When you first spray perfume onto yourself before you head out the door, you can clearly smell the scent. However, after spending a couple of hours, it can be hard to smell the fragrance as if you never sprayed it in the morning. Are there ways to make your perfume last longer?

The simple answer is yes! There are multiple ways that can help make the fragrance last longer. 

Pulse Points

One of the most common ways is to spray the perfume on your pulse points like your wrists or behind your ears where you can feel your heartbeat. These points help the scent last longer because the skin is the thinnest in these areas, helping to produce more heat that can help the scent radiate upwards. It also helps to spray perfumes towards the lower parts of your body because fragrances rise up.

Moisturized Skin

Moisturizing your skin before spraying the perfume can help the scent last longer because it can hold onto scent molecules better. On the other hand, if your skin is dry, the scent will last shorter. As a result, a routine of taking a shower, applying lotion, and spraying perfume can be helpful. However, if this is the case, be cautious to not wear clothes right away because the clothes can wipe off the scent.

Don’t Overspray!

Although spraying a lot of perfume seems like it would help last the scent longer, it actually doesn’t help with longevity. It only makes the scent stronger, which can make you and other people surrounding you tired. So always spray the right amount!

Don’t Rub!

It is common to rub your wrists together after spraying perfume on your wrist, thinking that it will help the scent to last longer. However, this is not the case. The rubbing process will actually break down the odorous molecules, causing the scent to fade away quickly. Instead of rubbing your wrists together, spray on each wrist!

Next time, try to apply these small tips and see if the fragrance does last longer than before. 


Why Are Perfumes Expensive? 


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