Perfume x Celebrity

One common way of advertising perfumes these days is to pair a celebrity with a perfume. This trend began in 1987 with Elizabeth Taylor’s collaboration with Elizabeth Arden, and it continues until today. However, is this way of advertising really effective?

This is a photo of Elizabeth Taylor’s collaboration with Elizabeth Arden.

The most obvious reason for pairing celebrities with perfumes is for sales. After negotiating and signing a contract with the celebrity, an advertisement is released to the world, which usually includes photo shoots, videos, interviews, and launch events. When these advertisements are released, a wider range of people can become aware of the brand due to the celebrity. A higher sales rate can be possible if the fans make a purchase of the product. It also helps the brand or perfume to stand out from other competitors in the market. 

One example would be Timothee Chalamet and Bleu de Chanel. When Timothee Chalamet was announced as the face of Bleu de Chanel, it caused a lot of attraction on social media, which already helped promote the perfume. Additionally, Timothee Chalamet gave a more youthful and trendy image to the perfume, appealing to the younger consumers. 

Although it is true that celebrities are an important factor in a perfume’s success nowadays, it is important to know that celebrities aren’t the whole story behind a perfume.


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Collaboration Perfume