The Connection Between Regions and Scents
When going on international trips, it’s easy to notice how each country or even regions within one country has different prominent scents. I still notice how the scent that lingers in the air in Korea smells different than one in America.
During my perfume making experience at Add U, the worker asked me where I came from because I told her earlier that I’m currently living outside of Korea. When I told her that I’m currently living in California, she mentioned how it wasn’t too surprising because many people from California wanted scents similar to mine—light, fresh, and marine-like.
Even when talking generally, people from certain countries favor different scents. For example, Japanese people tend to prefer subtle scents that are inspired by nature like cherry blossoms.
As much as a scent can become an identity to an individual, it can also become an identity to a certain place or area. Try to pay attention to how your own house smells—maybe what your notice could surprise you.